Art Ramirez Dean, Jack Baskin School of Engineering UC Santa Cruz Departments of Electrical Engineering and Physics 1156 High St Mail Stop SOE2 Santa Cruz, CA, 95064 831-459-2066
You can e-mail Art Ramirez directly through this web site.
Present Interests: Geometrically frustrated and low-dimensional magnetism, superconductivity, multiferroics, topological insulators, crystalline organic semiconductors
Techniques: bulk magnetothermal measurements (specific heat, magnetization, dielectric constant), transport measurements (resistivity, thermal conductivity, thermopower, ultrasound velocity, Hall effect), low temperature (0.05K - 400K), high magnetic fields (to 10 T). Growth of organic small molecule crystals, field effect transistor fabrication on organic crystals.
Past research interests include, heavy fermion systems, C60, high-Tc superconductivity, colossal magnetoresistance, negative thermal expansion materials, thermoelectrics, 2D electron gas